

City wifi networks handle a lot of device connections, which can affect speed. 以下是如何使公共wifi更快的方法.

People have become used to the fast rate at which technology is evolving, they don’t want to deal with anything below the standard. Wi-Fi today is speedy and people can access all sorts of information online in a matter of seconds. 人们已经长大了 高Wi-Fi标准, and a page not loading fast enough should be a thing of the past.

Reliable and fast Wi-Fi is a key requirement from citizens, tourists and workers alike. 政府s - just like businesses - are striving to keep the pace in connectivity standards, 让他们的公民和客户满意. 

T在这里 are additional issues that city Wi-Fi networks can suffer from. Some may include pressure and repercussions from all the mobile and 物联网 connections, 最终影响性能的因素是什么. 在这里, 在阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司工作, we have considered how you can build a public network that can offer fast Wi-Fi AND an excellent user experience!


在这里 are some key features to consider for making public Wi-Fi faster:


People experience high-speed Wi-Fi at home and expect it to be the same anyw在这里 they go. 公共Wi-Fi如何达到这种性能? A tip that can help city providers is to understand people’s needs and expectations by conducting a survey. 考虑到你将会服务 高密度地区 对于用户和设备的数量.

Keep in mind that the Wi-Fi equipment will have different requirements depending on whether the space for improvement is indoor or outdoor. 户外wifi设备 will need to resist potentially harsh environments, while indoor offer a less expensive version.



Before you start implementing Wi-Fi in your city, t在这里 are some crucial questions to think about. They should all be considered during the design stage. First, what type of Wi-Fi would you like to offer people in your city? 想想不同级别的Wi-Fi覆盖, who will be able to access it and what type of experience do your consumers expect?

例如, 你可以给人们Wi-Fi接入, but only for a certain limited of time so that it doesn’t slow down the network. 除了, you can choose w在这里 people will be able to access it and stream videos – in touristy spots? 市中心? 最后,您希望用户如何连接? 他们可以以客人的身份交流, or through a captive portal that allows users to register for and authenticate to the municipal Wi-Fi service.


市政Wi-Fi必须扩大和缩小规模. Some locations may require hundreds of Access Points whilst other locations may require only a single AP. 解决方案必须不受可伸缩性的限制. Thousands of AP’s can be managed from a single pane of glass. 没有硬件控制器, the solution can scale from one to thousands of AP’s without the capacity constraints and costs of controllers.



Public wifi needs to respect the latest standards such as Wi-Fi 6 and the next gen wireless network standards 并迅速适应标准的进化.

Remember that citizens, tourists, and government employees love being connected anyw在这里 they go. 谁不? This can play a really big role in making a city more attractive for tourists or business and may also increase the amount of conventions and exhibitions brought to the city.

我们的 全网恒星无线局域网 solution provides a reliable, secure and high-performance public Wi-Fi solution. Its next-generation access points deliver enterprise-grade connectivity, 具有操作简单性和可管理性. Its distributed controller architecture avoids single points of failure and ensures optimal performance. 这是为了让人们负担得起, due to its simple management features and built-in intelligent capabilities, including secure web management portal and smart load-balancing.

Explore the different public wi-fi solutions out t在这里 with the 厂商比较工具





Dave is currently the Director of Business Development for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s Network Division. He is responsible for the business development of ALE’s 政府 Vertical associated with their Enterprise Network Portfolio.

David is a Computer Science graduate of Pennsylvania State University and also possesses a Masters in Computer Science at George Mason University. He also has a Master Certificate in Information Technology Project Management from George Washington University.



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