

Internal crowdsourcingcombines business knowledge and talentto develop meaningful, versatile and creative ringtones for ALE super-wideband business phones.

2018年11月, 作为阿尔卡特朗讯企业的一部分, 啤酒Breweryinternalcrowdsourcinginitiative, 全球ALE员工被邀请发挥他们的音乐才能. The task was tocreate16 ringtones and alarms for an upcoming release of Alcatel-Lucent Enterpriseoffice phones. However, the scope of the initiative went beyond justmusical composition.Participants were asked to apply their business acumen to considerthe right ringtone for the right business environment. 他们被要求思考什么最有效, 例如, 在医院里, or in a hotel and to take advantage of the super-wideband* audio capabilities that the new phones offered.

十几名ALE员工,横跨各大洲, jumped at the chance to participate in the initiativewith more than 100 ringtones submitted. 一群ALE高管和员工, 以及商业伙伴, narrowed the 100 submissions down to sixteenbased on a strict selection process.

Now, you might ask yourself who would participate in this kind of challenge and why.有趣的是, not all of the participants were musicians and for some it was actually their firsttimecomposing music. 给卡琳·鲍文, 哥伦比亚的社交媒体传播经理, 法国, it was an opportunity to tackle something completely different than she was used to in her normal work day. In addition, she was excited about the opportunityto add a tangible element to the ALE products.

The opportunity to make a personalcontribution to the company was a key motivator for other participants as well. Cédric Simon, a software developer in the ALE Terminals team, composes and produces music regularly. He was working on the introduction of super-wideband codec in the phones when the challenge was launched.他抓住机会献出了一点心血, 除了他的软件技能, 投入到手机的开发中.休伯特弗雷德里克, a member of the Pre-Sales ALE Terminalsteam, expressed a similar desire. “每天在售前工作, I wanted to participateinthe challengeas soon as I readthe announcement.“所有参与者都认为这个机会既具有挑战性,又很有趣.

创作过程可能是一段神秘而富有启发性的旅程. 吉尔伯特Cabasse, 布雷斯特的高级软件开发人员, 法国,从同理心的角度看待挑战, 问自己, “我希望收到什么样的铃声或闹钟通知?? 什么样的警报会提醒我,而不惊动我?卡琳使用了类似的方法. “I thought about whatmusic I would like to hear when my phone rang at my desk, 然后我很快就明白了。”. Cedric Simonemphasized the need to focuson melodies that would fit the business environment while leveraging the super-wideband capabilities. “I spent several hours on each melody to carefully choose the instruments, 谱写旋律, 最后,适当地混合/掌握它们,以获得最好的声音.休伯特对此表示赞同,“谱写手机铃声的旋律可能是一个挑战。. It can be very short and effective, or may last 20 seconds and not be interesting at all. 重复很重要.声音必须能够循环播放而不会让人感到无聊. 创建铃声旋律与播放音乐不同.”

Another criterion for the ringtone compositionwas the business environment. 工业环境需要响亮的旋律,而其他环境, 比如开放式办公室, 需要更安静放松的声音.仪器的选择很重要. While today it is very easy to use computer applications to create sounds and music, Hubert chose to infuse more personality and originality into his melodies by recording live music,用他自己的乐器演奏. “我用穆格迷你穆格来制作单音旋律和警报. This legendary synthesizer brought electronic sounds into rock music and is still a fixture today with its unique sound signature.我想听到我们电话里迷你音乐的声音。.Another evocative instrument used in the contest wasthe Harpsonic Carillon from the 1960s, 选择它放松的声音.


“我用穆格迷你穆格来制作单音旋律和警报”- 休伯特弗雷德里克

创建警报的要求是另一个层面的挑战. Cedric noted, “I struggled to get to the extremely high level of noise that was required. 我终于弄到了, 使用正确的工具, 有合适的音频频谱和效果.“这就是超宽带编解码器的主要资产. Being able to render high frequencies allows soundsto be heard more clearly without necessarily increasing the volume which might otherwise incur damage to the ear.



挑战带来的能量和激情, using internal crowdsourcing added a real differentiator to the project compared to themore traditional approach of purchasing music from professional composers.One of the risksof using professionals is that they tend to propose similar things for different manufacturers, 什么会导致创意的缺失. 休伯特认为, “虽然让业余人士参与进来可能会产生一些行不通的提议,it also creates an opportunity for exposure tomany different sounds and styles, 我认为这是一个真正的优势.” Designing ringtones for specific business environments is a key differentiator and the result of the unique mix of our market knowledge and the audio capabilities provided by ALE phones.

Integrating these sounds into the new 2019 ALE phone offering provides more than just ringtones.这项挑战的口号是:“全身心投入ALE手机。!这正是我们所得到的. 这些旋律充满了激情、欢乐和真诚. One of the unanticipated benefits of the challenge was the sense of community that it evoked in the participants. 卡琳表达了她作为ALE团队一员的骄傲. Cedric, in agreement, added, “I am really glad this contest was created and that I was a part of it!”


• 日出

• 垂直

• 住宅区

• 迈阿密

• 休息室

• 发现

• Light-bounce

• Schrill

*Super-wideband: A super-wideband codec enables the full audio spectrum to be rendered during a conversation providing dramatically improved voice clarity. ALE电话提供超宽带音频功能与Opus编解码器.



伊曼纽尔Helbert has more than 25 years of experience in the Telecommunication industry. 负责管理创新, he’s developing an innovative mindset within ALE while multiplying inspiring collaborations. He deeply believes that creativity comes from mixing talent and culture and that co-creation is the main engine for disruptive innovation.





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